
From 2023 you can find all our Messages and Live Streams on our Youtube Chanel, and heaps of other creative content - don't forget to subscribe!

Exodus 35 - Offerings

6 June, 2021 Tim Griggs

Tim Griggs explores Exodus 35:4-29 where God invites the Israelites to bring offerings to build the temple. Powerful exploration.


Exodus 34 - Break up story

30 May, 2021 Paul Clark

In a fascinating message that explores the breakup songs of our lives, Paul Clark looks at Exodus 34.


Pentecost - False Peace

23 May, 2021 Paul Clark

Come and explore the Pentecost story with us. Do you need the wind of God to blow? Are you in a false peace?


The Ascension Acts 1:1-11

16 May, 2021 John James

John James brings us a great look at the Ascension and the place of scars in our life.


Servant or Friend

9 May, 2021 Paul Clark

For Mother's Day we're exploring John 15:9-17, Jesus command for us to love one another and our transformation from servants to friends because Jesus has treated us as a friend by sacrificing his life for us.

Greater love has no-one than to lay down their life for their friends.


God is Love

2 May, 2021 Paul Clark

God is love, but Christianity isn't always. This is a huge dilemma for Christianity. If Christianity doesn't produce loving disciples shouldn't we dismiss it? John tackles this front on and calls us to Christ's way, not our way.

A powerful proclamation of 1 John 4:7-21 by Paul Clark


The Good Shepherd

25 April, 2021 Paul Clark

Jesus; willing sacrifice or victim of cosmic child abuse? Are such memes the product of W.E.I.R.D people? Isn't a willing sacrifice a heroic act? Hear Paul Clark bring a powerful message covering Anzac Day, Jonathan Haidt and the Good Shepherd, John 10:11-18


Resurrection People - Luke 24:13-35

18 April, 2021 Paul Clark

What does it mean to be an Easter people/resurrection people? As we reflect on the resurrection, on the passage from Luke 24 around two followers of Jesus walking to Emmaus, we look at how Jesus meets us in our life. We consider how we encounter God and how God can transform our life to the point of wanting to share this Good News with others. Where does this story interconnect with your story?


Locked Room John 20:19-31

11 April, 2021 Paul Clark

Doubting Thomas usually steals the show. Not this year, Pastor Paul Clark explores Jesus' appearance in a locked room, and asks, what locked room of our life needs an appearance of the resurrected Christ to tame our trauma?

Trigger warning - discussion of trauma. Powerful exegesis.
