
There is so much happening at RUC we can't keep the website up to date! If you want to see the latest and keep up to date -

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Read our Monthly Newsletter -

24 February, 2022

2021 Annual Report and AGM

From here you can download our Annual report for 2021, and prepare for the AGM on Sunday March 13th, after worship.

1 February, 2022

Read the Gospel of Luke with us

Join us as we read through the Gospel of Luke in 3 months! A little each day, or a chapter every few days. Starting 1st Feb.

29 December, 2021

Dolphins Carols

We had a wonderful time providing a Nativity Photo opportunity at the Redcliffe Dolphins Carols by Candlelight, many people said they really loved having a nativity there!

4 December, 2021

Giving to RUC

We love it when people partner with Redcliffe Uniting by using their gifts of giving their tithes and offerings for the work of God.

You can also pay for events through this link.

If you want to set up your own Regular Direct Debit - here are our Bank Details...


BSB: 014-010

Account No; 191632958

Reference: Offering

Otherwise Click on the Payments Link

12 November, 2021

Christmas Appeal 2021

We Partnering with the Redcliffe Care Network [Encricle, Breakfast Club, Salvos, Redcliffe Mums, MBRIT, St. Andrews Hospital, Beef Bank] to provide quality Christmas Hampers & gifts to those individuals and families doing it tough this Christmas. We had another fantastic event putting together 400 outstanding hampers and presents.

Thanks to everyone who contributed!

3 September, 2021

New Playgroup Day Leader

We're really excited to announce the appointment of Sonia Regan as our New Playgroup day leader - Monday and Tuesday mornings!

2 September, 2021

VAD Community Forum

A respectful, relevant and informative community forum was hosted by Redcliffe Uniting to inform people about the legislation about to be debated by the Qld parliament. You can watch the video here. Note the outline of topics in the notes.

15 June, 2021

The Uniting Church

You might have recently joined RUC, or you're looking to join Redcliffe Uniting.

Who or what is the Uniting Church? What do they believe? What are their priorities?

See the resources below for some exploration...

- 6 Intro Videos - Six, 7 minute videos that explain core concepts in the culture of the Uniting Church.

- Message - 5 Things I hate about the Uniting Church. A Creative sermon from Rev Paul Clark & Hairy about the Uniting Church

- Ever read the Basis of Union? This is the document that forms the Vision of the Uniting Church. It's not what you might expect!

15 June, 2021

Find your Gifts

Christians believe God has given us all a purpose, a place, a gift to use.

A you wanting to find out what God may have in store for you?

Click on this link and do the SHAPE assessment - and add either your mentor, one of our pastor's, or someone you want to explore the results with in the email address near the end.

Go for it!
