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31 October, 2019

Here is a cool video for our Exodus journey

We’ve been preaching through Exodus, and here’s a great video on the first part of the book!

27 October, 2019

Movie Night

We had great movie night last night. 200 people. Great night was had by all.

16 October, 2019

Church Structures

Here is the Church Governance document - a working document. Helpful if you are considering Church Council.

15 October, 2019

Fashion Parade success

We had a great fashion parade over the weekend with 120+ in attendance to be entertained, enjoy the community, the wonderful afternoon tea - and the fashions! Glenys and her team built on the work of June Cotterell to put on a wonderful event. Over $1,700 was raised to support our Youth Ministry growth and Qlder's affected by the bushfires! Well done everyone.

20 September, 2019

How did WE do?

We've got some talented people on our team! Candy Hunter came up with a very helpful way to transform our Culture Statement - Welcome, Experience, Belong, Believe, Become - into a simple thing to remind us who we want to be... How did WE do?

It's a question we're inviting all our members to ask after worship, events, functions, conversations. The WE is the important bit. It stands for;

W - Welcome. Did we give people a warm welcome?

E - Experience. Did we give people an experience of God that left them wanting more?

WE - Belong. Did we make people feel like they Belong?

AND - it's not about asking did the leaders, did they do this, did WE do this? We - the family of God!

What a challenging goal we have!

So, How'd WE do?

9 September, 2019

Combined Youth Worship

We hosted another combined Youth service last night - 50 in attendance! Great music, drama and 3 minute reflections from our young people!

9 September, 2019

Watoto Weekend

Our Biggest service of the year 330+ flooded in to experience the exuberant worship of the Watoto Children's Choir - their 100th touring choir!

9 September, 2019

Colour Run 2019

We were humbled to host the Child Protection Week colour run on behalf of the Morerton Bay Children & Families Network that saw over a dozen organisations together to provide a free information afternoon and colour run to give children a voice in our community!

27 August, 2019

Outback BBQ

We had a wonderful time at our Outback BBQ in support of our country cousins through Frontier Services. We raised well over $1,000. Thanks to all who came and all involved!
