
Discovering the Bible

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23 July, 2020

One of the first places to start in your discipleship is the Bible.

Below are a few different options to begin to read, explore and understand the Bible and met the God who is contained within.

Understand the Bible

Here is a great introductory series to the Bible. The way our pathway works is you watch the video, then do the online reflection. It can be anonymous, or you can ask for feedback! [If any of the links don't work - please let us know []

  1. What is the Bible?

Do the Reflection Survey...

2. The Big Biblical Story

Do the Reflection Survey...

3. Literary Styles

Do the reflection Survey...

4. Jewish Meditation Literature

Do the reflection Survey...

Want to go deeper? These courses were developed by Trinity College Queensland and explore the scripture at a deeper level. You can even study for your Lay Preacher's certificate! They are called, "Trinity on Tap."

Old Testament

New Testament

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